Sunday, August 15, 2010


Ok, wow...

... well its been a while since our last post due to the amount of... well...   everything going on!!

the next reason being STRESS....

We've had some huge contracts & oportunities through work which has taken up a huge amount of time & invloved a whirlwind trip to Perth.

So in the last few weeks we've received [most] of the RSVP's .... got a few more out that (sorry on the delays!) we've been meaning to still get out to you, thinking that we'll see you earlier. Several games of 'phone tag' later we've confirmed the last of the few.

Kate has picked up her dress and apparently its fantastic... apart from a near miss the other night i havent seen it ....yet  ....  [Special thanks to Fil here!] I've sourced my suit from a brilliant tailor and is due to arrive next weekend... so stay tuned!

On top of everything else we've been dealing with the real estate & the sale of the house.  HOORAY !  We won with QCAT & the real estate agency we interogated for 20mins solid before being ruled against & we now have the opportunity to move whenever we find something suitable

So on to the next step to sort out the seating plans, finalise the favours (we, and by we i mean mostly Kate) have made & Geordies suit, shoes, flowers.

Once we get a few more bits n pieces sorted out we're hoping that our current stress levels will decrease & relieve us from the "Rabbit in the headlights" scenario & we'll know where to turn to & keep moving.